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joint probability density中文是什么意思

用"joint probability density"造句"joint probability density"怎么读"joint probability density" in a sentence


  • 联合概率密度


  • The joint probability density distribution ( pdf ) of the velocity fluctuations falls along the directions of - u + v and + w - v especially for fine particles
    联合概率密度主要沿一u v和十u ? v方向分布,粒径较小的颗粒更为明显。
  • The ica - based method without assumption that data follow normal distribution , can easily calculate the joint probability density function of independent components ( ics ) , because each of ics statistically independent
  • The main achievements are as follows : it is verified that there is an unique mean square solution to the stochastic surge model ; the formulas for probability density function of head loss and the maximum relative surge level were deduced ; the joint probability density function for solving surge process and the mean head process of simple hydraulic system were also derived
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